Reinvention and Development of Self- Sufficiency

Shining Light Transitional Homes for Young Adults is a Nonprofit Organization that Promotes Recovery, through biblical principles. We use the ‘Community As Method’ for accountability, skill practices, and a positive lifestyle. Our core mission is to help individuals going through critical times such as poverty, homelessness, and societal readjustment after incarceration. Our overall goal is the Reinvention and Development of Self-Sufficiency.

Problem Statement

Shining Light Transitional Homes for Young Adults found that large numbers of young adults are affected by one or more risk factors that have been linked to academic failure and poor health. There are almost 24 million youths in the United States. Large numbers of young adults are growing up in families experiencing economic hardship. Almost half – 11.4 million young adults – live in low-income or poor families. Poverty is a significant factor contributing to many young people being at risk. The following factors are what contributes to the challenges youth experience in which Shining Light Transitional Homes for Young Adults seeks to address the following;

1) Lack of Stable Housing Plan

2) Lack of Reliable Support System after the Transition

3) Under Utilization of Community-based Services

4) Increased Hospital Admissions due to lack of a physical /mental intervention

5) Hospital bed utilization increase because of homelessness.

6) Individuals’ admission to emergency departments and other crisis care is increased.

7)  Local community Criminal activity and resulting incarceration rates 


Shining Light Transitional Homes for Young Adults provides a comprehensive range of services to support individuals going through critical times such as poverty, homelessness, and societal readjustment after incarceration. Our services include:

  1. Residential Program: Our Transfiguration Suites offer a time-limited residential program designed to assist young adults in their reinvention and development of self-sufficiency. Participants will receive personalized case management, mental health support, and skill-building opportunities to facilitate their transition to stable housing and successful community living.

  2. Case Management: Our case managers work with participants to identify their individual needs and goals, create an individualized service plan, and connect them with the appropriate resources to achieve their goals.

  3. Psychiatric Rehabilitation: We provide psychiatric rehabilitation services to help participants improve their functional skills, achieve their goals, and increase their independence and community integration.

  4. Community-Based Support: We offer community-based support services to help participants increase their engagement in community-based services and build a reliable support system.

  5. Life Skills Training: Our life skills training curriculum provides participants with the necessary skills to achieve self-sufficiency, including financial literacy, time management, job readiness, and communication skills.

  6. Spiritual and Emotional Support: We provide spiritual and emotional support through counseling and pastoral care to help participants build resilience, cope with life’s challenges, and develop a positive outlook on life.

  7. Aftercare: Our aftercare program provides ongoing support and resources to help participants maintain their progress and prevent relapse.

At Shining Light Transitional Homes for Young Adults, we aim to provide a comprehensive and holistic approach to support individuals going through critical times, promote recovery through biblical principles, and facilitate the reinvention and development of self-sufficiency.


Benefits, Outcomes, and Results

The expected outcomes for this program are specific to the goals identified in the individual’s Service Plan, and may include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following:
  • The individual will identify and engage in a stable housing plan
  • The individual will re-engage with providers and other support systems
  • The individuals’ utilization of community-based services will increase
  • The individuals’ hospital admissions will be reduced
  • The individuals’ hospital bed utilization will be reduced
  • The individuals’ admissions to emergency departments and other crisis care will be reduced
  • The individuals’ rate of incarceration will be reduced